
What do the latest IOS updates mean for you?

With the recent IOS 14 update come some changes that will affect the way your conversions will report and the processing of conversion events, but what does this mean for your business? If you are one of the many businesses that optimise for web conversions, there is no doubt you will be affected. The new updates mean that people can easily opt out of unique tracking, whilst you’ve always had the option to opt out, it was a slightly more complex process to do so, Apple have now made this an incredibly easy one-step process that will result in more people opting out of being tracked.

How will you be affected?

Your targeting may be affected, as people opt out of data tracking, your custom audiences may also decrease, however we are sure Facebook is working to find a solution to any issues this may pose in the immediate future.


Your reporting data will be delayed and is most likely to drop, you will need to give your campaigns longer to see results, however this doesn’t mean that you are not getting results, so don’t meddle with your campaign too soon!


You Facebook Pixel


Your pixel will only optimise to a maximum of 8 conversions for each of your domains, if you run a smaller business then this shouldn’t affect you in any way, however if you you do have more than 8 conversions, now is the time to prioritise them.

Things you can do now

– Verify your domain with Facebook

– Prioritise your events in your Business Manager

– Change your attribution window to a 7-day attribution

What does this mean for the future of Facebook Advertising?

If there is one thing to be certain of, Facebook have been diligently working to balance out the negative impact that this poses in the short-term. However, we are confident that Facebook remains one of the most powerful advertising platforms. The key is to remain in touch with the latest updates and adjust your campaigns accordingly. It’s also now more important than ever that you don’t evaluate your campaigns too early on, because of delayed data reporting.


If you are looking to outsource your social media and Facebook advertising then we would be happy to have a chat to see if we are a good fit for you.

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+971 58 569 4007

Location Dubai, UAE